
I agree, ease should be planned because we don't have control over our hardships in the same way we have control over our ease. Battling that feeling of defeat for not being able to make space for ease was a major theme, this blinded me from truly understanding softness and seeking ease. You could say this was my way of consoling myself.

In the end, making it through hardships is sometimes enough because the ease is knowing you made to the finish line.

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Thoughtful take. I believe that as hardship exists and comes whether we like it or not, it is important to make resolutions for ease, to schedule in moments of ease so that existence doesn't appear overall bleak. I for one have made resolutions for ease this year because I know hardship is a given but ease isn't unless specifically planned. I believe that's what our brethren are getting at with the soft life quotes. I think its rather necessary to encourage us to keep going in the midst of hardship, so we see that there is another side to life than what we see everyday.

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